as simple as learning the ABC’s...

“Preventing burn-out is as simple as learning the ABC’s”
Would you like to be more stress resilient and productive? How about forming new habits for your wellbeing? Embarking on a self-care journey can be intimidating– the concept of self-care encompasses such a wide range of habits, activities and practices PLUS it varies from person-to-person. The ABCs of Self-Care breaks down adopting a self-care mindset with easy-to-understand and implement habits and activities.

About the Author

She wrote the book she and her clients needed to read.

Sheri E Betts, MBA, CPA, PCC,OCP has been helping people practice better self-care for over twenty years. She recognizes that every person’s journey to adopting a self-care mindset is different and empowers individuals to adopt sustainable lifestyle changes that center self-care in their personal lives.

She is a professional executive coach, organizational development professional, keynote speaker, dedicated self-care practitioner and more.

Learn More about Sheri

Keynote Speaking

Keynote speakers set the tone and energy level for your entire event. Sheri is an experienced keynote speaker, well regarded for her ability to: create positive and engaging atmospheres that encourage audience participation ,share personal stories and insights that deeply connect with the audience, and deliver impactful content.
Did you know 62 percent of people admit to having high levels of stress, with extreme fatigue? That's why Self-care is not optional–it’s essential.
Unmanaged stress leads to emotional, physical and mental exhaustion. Burnout affects people in various professions, roles and demographics.
If left unaddressed, burnout can have serious consequences such as reduced job satisfaction, strained relationships and even physical illness.



is for
Listen to your body.
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How often have you heard that phrase? Probably a lot. Now, how often have you actually listened? My guess is not a lot.

There’s always one more item on the to-do list, one more sit-up, one more episode— add up enough of those moments of overriding your body’s innate wisdom and you could end up with your body shouting at you!

Learn more about how you engage with your body, how to be a better listener and how to sustain your self-care through listening to your body starting on page 98 of the ABCs of Self-Care.


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